Here are the last days of summer and the discounts on Lelo's website. To grab an extra 10%, click the link below and enter the code HOT10 at checkout. Link: ...
What is it about summer that always wakes up that wild horny woman in me? It's as if I was a lion in that period of the year when sex takes over their everyday boring life, and they're ready to mate thirty times a day. Is sex between humans also predominantly seasonal? If I had to answer that question...
Ne hodim na morje. Zadnjič sem ga od blizu videla pred trinajstimi leti. Raje imam potovanja. Toda letos zaradi zaostrenih okoliščin nisem želela niti na Hrvaško. Zato sem se po orgazme in užitke odpravila na slovensko obalo. Ob prvem srečanju z morjem so se nazaj vrnili vsi slani spomini. Spomini na slane lase, zapečeno, rjavo...