Samo prijazen opomnik, da pregledate svoje prsi. 🙂 Naj vas boobtober spomni, kako, vi pa poskrbite, da boste joškice imeli pod nadzorom skozi celo leto. Navodila najdete v spodnjem članku: Hvala, ker pipaš! Ali tukaj:
On the first of October, after work, I went to the store because I missed a few things for Saturday's lunch. Although I have known for years and remembered the same day that it was the first day of the month of breast cancer awareness, I had an empty head until I walked past a shelf full of vegetables and spotted champignons in a ...
BDSM experienced a real boom a few years ago when millions of women started raging about the book and movie 50 Shades of Gray and its sequels. Even my mom bought the book in the belief that she was buying good literature. She didn't even get halfway through. Although these novels are pulp fiction from a literary point of view, it has encouraged women ...