Review: G-Spot George vibrator
The TCP saga of the search for the G-spot continues. It's not a Scandinavian one, but it's a realistic tale of my journey with G-spot vibrators. After Bender, I took George to bed with me.
G-spot George is a low-cost vibrator that I bought from the Slovenian online shop G-točka. What caught my eye was its shape. As if having leprosy, it is covered by three differently sized bumps, and at the end of the curve rests a thickened head designed for G-spot stimulation.

I didn't hesitate to add it to the basket, not even afterward. Since I had spent a small amount of money on it, there was no room for doubt. I knew what to expect from this toy. The cardboard sleeve has instructions on how to use it and everything you need to know to finally achieve that real and much-praised vaginal orgasm.
I opened the package and pulled out a vibrator covered in pink silicone and a USB charger. I was surprised by the toy's length (20 cm), as I had assumed from the map of the female body that the G-spot was located lower, closer to the vaginal opening. I was also confused when I saw that the curve was soft, like a willie in a semi-hard state. The third thing that caught my eye was the strange button that looked like its growing from the vibrator. I confess that I may have gone into too much detail. I thought that perhaps I had not been so focused on some of the drawbacks of other toys. To break the cycle, I plugged the charging cable into a clearly visible hole on the vibrator, made the bed, and went for a coffee break.

When I returned, the pink light by the bed was still blinking wildly, but I didn't have time to wait for it to recharge completely. It seemed to me that it would be enough for half an hour of playing. In the end, I was right. This time I put lube by the bed as a precaution because the vibrator's soft neck was not very promising. Still, I started the game optimistically. I pressed the only button really hard. George began to vibrate vigorously -vibrations were stronger than I expected from the first stage. I liked that because I knew from experience that vibrations inside a peach get lost somehow. I closed my eyes and put the vibrator on my clitoris, but I immediately changed my mind. I won't cheat! The peach wasn't wet enough, but I didn't touch the lube. Although I should have.

It took more practice to insert the soft George into the peach. Without the help of my fingers, the vibrator would have stayed out and the G-spot out of my reach. Once the toy was inside, I went through all the programs: it has four intense vibration levels and six patterns, which started promisingly - with escalation and cessation - and continued more miserable, with pulsation. The vibration strength of the patterns is weak. I insisted for a while, and then, pressing the button, I returned to the monotonous vibrations. This time the first stage was no longer necessary, so I continued with the second and, a few seconds later, with the third and fourth.

I don't know what miraculous abilities my peach has to turn the vibrator around. My fingers had to work hard to keep the toy in the proper position. It seemed to me that the peach had not chosen the right one. The feeling was much better when George was as it should be, with the curve down and the head pressing against the upper wall. It was only when moving and sliding against the wall that I felt I had touched something that could have been the spot. The very next second, I lost it. I chased it for forty-five minutes in all possible positions and then gave up.

The next time, I charged George till full. When the pink light stopped blinking under the cupboard, I took it in my hands, dipped it in the lube, and inserted it into the peach with the help of my fingers. The lubricant did not make inserting this "softie" any easier. It just made it harder for me to hold the short handle and press the hard button. The vibrator turned 180 degrees in the peach, and the feeling wasn't bad at all. It was like having a long and thick penis inside me. Even though I was not even close to orgasm in that position. I turned it back. Fifteen minutes later, I was very close to orgasm, but to my bad luck, it got away again. The last option before using my fingers was pornographic films. In the middle of the hottest action, I finally had a breakthrough - I reached an orgasm.
Further attempts were not always successful, but fingers and pornographic films helped. Despite a strong curve and a thicker head than Benders, I never succeeded without one or the other. George, despite being soft, is not the worst lover. It has good vibration strengths that don't get lost inside, and I guess the curve suits my peach. But the saga is not over yet. I cannot wait to experience the sequel.