One spritz, please!
Špricanje ali brizganje postaja nov trend pornografskih filmov. Slap ali oster curek med nogami se je iz sramote prelevil v pravi trend. Squirtanje ali po slovensko ponesrečeno brizganje je tema današnjega članka. In zanj bom potrebovala več špricarjev, ker meni niti še enkrat ni uspelo doživeti pravega špricarja.
Waterfalls and wet beds aside, what is squirting anyway? Indeed, even the scientists are not yet 100 percent sure what it is all about. For a long time, squirting was thought to be the same as female ejaculation. Many women will describe squirt as a fluid that occurs with a specific type of stimulation, but it does not feel the same as an orgasm. Amateurs would describe it as peeing during sex.
Today, most scientists already claim that squirting and female ejaculation are two different things, although they still cannot confirm with certainty the origin of a squirt. On the other hand, they can confidently say that squirting fluid contains urea, creatinine, uric acid, and sometimes prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The liquid is watery and clear, and the amount varies, but there is rarely more than ten tablespoons of this "spritzer". Because it is very similar in composition to urine, scientists suspect it is produced near the bladder and excreted through the urethra.
In contrast, the fluid in female ejaculation is viscous and whitish, and there is not the slightest chance of more than one tablespoon being excreted, which is why women often do not feel it. It contains prostatic acid phosphatase, prostatic specific antigen, glucose, and fructose. As a rule, very little urine and creatinine are excreted during female ejaculation. This fluid is secreted by the Skene's glands.
Čeprav sem dokaj natančno opredelila žensko ejakulacijo in squirt, še vedno ne moremo trditi zagotovo, ali gre za enega ali dva podobna pojava. Napisano je zgolj domneva. Še bolj se mnenja začnejo razhajati, kadar govorimo, kako do teh porno prizorov špricanja pride. Stroka sumi, da ejakulacijo doseže med desetimi in petdesetimi odstotki žensk. Nekatere je nikoli niso in je nikoli ne bodo. Kaj je za to krivo, je velik vprašaj in razlog praskanja po glavi znanstvenikov – oblika telesa ali zgolj pravilna stimulacija G-točke ali klitorisa. Bega predvsem informacija, kako se občuti, da prihaja nekaj drugega kot orgazem. Ženske ta občutek opisujejo kot potreba po lulanju, pritisk na mehur, potem pa sledi izliv.
Squirting has been on my mind, to say the least, since I first read about it. I confess I have not watched the porn clip even once. I just assume it's full of screaming and gushing, like opening a tap. I don't remember ever being able to do it. But I am often struck like a bolt from the blue by the sensation that my bladder is about to explode. As this is uncomfortable, I stop the action and push my belly in and out again, but there is no sign of the need to pee. Like I was imagining or something. But maybe that's the squirt coming, and I should take the advice of experts and friends: "Just relax!"
But that is simply not the case. Drinking a spritzer relaxes me, but then I'm even more unsure whether I need to run to the bathroom or it's just my damn feeling again. So maybe my body really isn't up to it. And because I would love to have an answer to the question of whether I can do it or not, I have searched websites for secret recipes that are not just yapping about relaxation.
Unfortunately, the recipes were, more often than not, precisely that. Relax, make foreplay long, find the G-spot, relax, explore different ways of stimulation, don't eat asparagus before sex (that's my add-on), and of course, relax. If you want to experience this during sex, you can try the traditional African technique of Kunyaza. To me, it's more like penile gymnastics, but it might work. Start by tapping the penis on the clitoris and labia. You can use saliva to make sure it's moist enough. When the penis is finally in the peach, it should circulate and, at the same time, move in the traditional outward-inward direction. This should lead to an authentic African squirt.
Just to see how it feels, although it probably would not be even close to a real orgasm, I beg my head, "Just one spritz, please!"