Review: Satisfyer Love Triangle
Satisfyer Love Triangle is the fourth in a series of Satisfyer toys that combines vibration and Air-Pulse technology, and I tested it myself. So what is the difference between this one and the other three?
The first thing you can notice is its triangular shape. When I saw it, I imagined it in some movie with Dolly Parton lifting a skirt and pulling a Satisfyer Love Triangle vibrator from behind a garter instead of that little female gun.
My wild imagination aside, the vibrator is elegant - covered in white plastic and surrounded by the pink gold border with all the toy control buttons. The silicone clitoral attachment is hiding under a firmly attached cap to the vibrator, and there is no fear of it falling off the toy. This made me especially happy, as I can safely take it wherever I want. When I took the Satisfyer vibrators on the road, I didn't need the included magnetic charger, so this cap is a welcome novelty for me.
I was more worried about the position of the buttons on the rose gold border. By pressing the middle one, you turn on the vibrator and move up from the weakest to the strongest level of the Air-Pulse wave. Pressing the bottom one takes you back. With the upper third button, you wake up the second toy motor (vibration) - here, as with the previous three Satisfyer vibrators, there is no return button when you press too fast in the desire for more. Also, this button lies on edge, which seemed awkward to me at first.
Na embalaži sem videla, da tudi ta vibrator, tako kot Curvy 1+ lahko uporabljam z aplikacijo. Ker telefona kot po navadi, ko ga ne potrebujem, nisem imela pri sebi, sem se zadovoljila z ročnim načinom upravljanja. Prižgala sem vibrator in začutila šibke tlačne vibracije. Ker je bilo seveda za moj ščegetavček to premalo, sem hitro prešla preko druge in tretje vse do četrte (skupaj jih je enajst). Ko se je moja breskvica začela mediti, sem s prstom po nesreči pritisnila na gumb na robu in vklopila vibracije. Vrglo me je iz tira. V tistem trenutku si tega res nisem želela. Ideja je bila, da bi do prvega orgazma prišla po počasni, mučni poti. Ko sem ga želela izklopiti, moji prsti niso več vedeli, kam naj še pritisnejo. Zniževali, zviševali so tlačno valovanje in prehajali med desetimi vibracijami.
There was a real rave party between my legs, which at first, due to the loss of control, I didn't like very much. Finally, my fingers gave up, and all I could do was pull the vibrator away when it was too much to handle and bring it closer when I wanted more.
Next time, I did it differently - using an app. I held the power button for four seconds. The app recognized the toy immediately, and I was ready to take off. The programs were the same when I first used the app with the Curvy 1+ vibrator. The only unique feature is the rabbit icon, which takes control of the toy for twenty seconds and gives you the most potent vibrations and pressure waves. If it doesn't suit you, you can stop it earlier and return to the program you are ok with.
As I found out a few orgasms later, another new app feature is "Remotyca Stories". It is a collection of erotic stories. The vibrator will work according to the rhythm of the story - at the beginning, it will vibrate weaker, but when the story reaches its climax, the toy will make sure that you will feel the same between the legs.
It bothered me that I still don't know how to connect it to the music library in Apple Music. Syncing it with Spotify may work better. You will find even more erotic stories and not just a demo version that I used.
Like Satisfyer's vibrators, this one took me to a world of tears and a flood of good orgasms, but I was a little bothered by the shape and control buttons of the Love Triangle. Its reputation was saved by an app I can't praise enough and a handy cap so I can take it everywhere. Not under the skirt, behind the garter as my imagination dictated, but in a large bag or suitcase, without fear of accidentally pressing the button causing a rave in the purse.
You can buy the product here: Sex shop –