Who the hell are they?
Lelo (Luxury Erotic Lifestyle Objects)
Have you ever wondered who is behind the erotic toys with which you share a bed? As long as I've known myself, all the stories have become more and more interesting to me, and the products are more appealing if I knew who was hiding behind them, who founded the company, made the movie, or wrote the book. Still, I rarely took the time to do the proper research. The same thing happened to me with toys. For a long time, I just wondered what the hell I was pushing into a peach without doing anything to resolve the mystery until today. I almost felt sorry since finding the information is much more complicated than looking for a needle in a haystack. I tried anyway.
The first review I posted on the blog was the review of Lelo Sona, but I had no idea what I was buying at the time. The ad was inviting, the technology fascinating. If on the box was written John Sona, Beautiful Sona, Idontcare Sona, it would be completely irrelevant, I would buy it anyway. The story of the company and its products started to interest me later when the first enthusiasm subsided a bit, and the word Lelo echoed in my head.
Years ago, when mentioning Sweden, each of us, Slovenians, thought of the southern brothers searching for a better life in this country. Their primary and successful representative is a football player with a soft pronunciation of the L, Zlatan Ibrahimovič. We could be equally proud of another Croat from Bosnia - Filip Sedić, who founded Lelo eighteen years ago. Of course, in Sweden. Today, the brand is considered Apple in the field of erotic toys, as they are best known for their design and quality at the same time. As a student, he left Sarajevo for love. The Lelo brand was also born for the same reason. It was the fault of his longtime friend. Filip was buying her an erotic toy for her birthday. When he reviewed the offer, it seemed cheap, poor, and narrowly focused.

Thus, with two partners and designers, Eric Kalén and Carl Magnuson, he founded a brand Lelo and started a journey of unprecedented success. They presented their first toy to the Swedish market in the same year, and six months later, they showed it in Las Vegas. With that move, they began to establish themselves in America. Philip's brother, Paul, takes care of this market today. Lelo's first vibrator was three times smaller than the vibrators that prevailed in erotic shops at the time and five times more expensive. Yet, despite the price, vast crowds of women were interested in buying it.
Filip and his company started with just ten thousand euros of capital and in a few years transformed into a company that is said to have had a turnover of 26.5 million euros in 2011 and a good 36 million a year later. After a successful presentation to demanding American users, they decided to go to China as well. They were already diligently copying Lelo's models there and selling them at a lower price. As you can imagine, their quality was no good. But they have also been more than successful in this part of the world - China and America still represent their largest market today.
At first, Lelo's target audience was women between the ages of thirty-five and forty, but they soon realized that younger people with just a few bucks in their pockets were also interested in the products. So, to bring Lelo closer to us as well, they created the Picobong line, which currently consists of 15 vibrators. The prices range between 34 and 139 euros, but unfortunately, we do not find sonic vibrators like Sona among them.

Today, in addition to Lilly,, that started the engine of a Swedish company eighteen years ago, almost every woman interested in sex toys knows Sona, Enigma, or Sila. Also, at the mention of their vibrators, celebrities all over the world are going crazy. For those with fifteen thousand euros in their wallet, they sell an exceptional vibrator made of 24-carat gold, which I imagine must be as quiet as a mouse, and besides being covered with gold, it also offers epic orgasms. But I will never know.
I am happy with Sona, which initially triggered mixed feelings, but still serves me well today. It is also probably the most beautiful toy I have, so I bow deeply to the Swedish-Bosnian Croat and his brand Lelo.