Review: Fun Factory Laya II
When I first tested the Fun Factory vibrator, I started seeing the world with different eyes. Although it didn't look promising, I believed I would experience many orgasms with it. So when I had enough extra money, I bought a clitoral vibrator Laya II.
Why did I choose the clitoral vibrator when I've tried so many already? I have no idea. I liked the toy's shape as it is ergonomically designed and fits both, hand and peach. At least judging by the commercial.
V majhni škatli so poleg Laye priložena navodila za uporabo in, kot je značilno za Fun Factory, še živo rdeč magnetni kabel za polnjenje.
Dlje časa sem jo držala v rokah in občudovala njeno obliko. Bila je do pikice enaka opisu iz oglasa. Odlično se prilega dlani in breskvici. Celo tako, da imaš občutek, da roka, breskvica in Laya tvorijo popolno celoto. V kateremkoli položaju. Poleg tega je igrača izjemno lahka. Ves pritisk na ščegetavček nadzira roka, ki vodi igro. Žal je silikon enak kot pri ostalih Fun Factoryjevih vibratorjih – nanj se prime vsaka smet.
It is easy to set up vibrations and programs. There are three buttons on the top of the vibrator. The red button labeled Fun is used to turn the device on and off, with the + or - buttons you switch between powers and vibration programs. The last ones are especially useful when you accidentally switch to another program. You can choose between four vibrating powers that increase evenly and six honestly nothing special programs - they are classic and similar to all other vibrators. If you are a woman of habits, the choice here will not surprise you, and you will be more than satisfied with it.
I tested it when the air was clear. My parents left home, and I had the whole time in the world. Ready for the toy's loud volume, I closed the windows and locked the front door twice. Just in case. But Laya is extremely quiet, especially when you put it on a clit. I started with the lowest vibration and then gradually increased the power. Some toys change the sound of the vibration as it becomes stronger and faster. That doesn't happen with Laya. The vibrations do not emit the sound of an annoying insect. I experienced an orgasm very quickly for the first time. I didn't even have time to try the remaining six programs, I was just switching between four vibration powers.
V drugo je bilo nekoliko težje priti do orgazma. Tega sem se zavedala. Preizkusila sem programe, ki mi niso ustrezali. Mogoče sem jih menjala prehitro, da se moj gumbek niti na enega ni mogel privaditi. Pulzirajoča vibracija, valovanje, postopno prenehanje vibriranja in spet močni vračajoči se val. Nič od tega me ni navdušilo. Ugotovila sem, da me je pri programih zmotilo predvsem to, da ne moreš nastaviti moči vibracij. Zame so nekoliko prešibki, zato sem se vrnila na prve štiri možnosti – ročno stopnjevanje od najšibkejše vibracije do najmočnejše. Pri tem sem si nekoliko pomagala še z gibi roke, naprej, nazaj, krožno. Laya me je ponovno popeljala do orgazma.
I also used it while bathing as it is waterproof. The water makes the already quiet vibrations quieter. Because you have to hold it on the clit with your hand, it's easier to lie down or kneel. When I tried it out standing up, it fell to the ground every now and then due to lack of control, and I had to start all over again.
Although Laya might seem tedious initially, it impresses with ergonomic design and quiet but strong vibrations. Nevertheless, I think that Fun Factory could improve the programs, diversify them a bit or add the possibility of increasing the power of an individual program. This way, the toy could stand out in a flood of clitoral vibrators that offer much more. Therefore, Laya, unfortunately, remains an average clitoral vibrator.