Review: Good Vibes Only Oron
Since I have a thing for erotic toys with a unique shape, It was almost inevitable not to choose Oron. It has a slightly sweeter form - a form of heart. After a long time, I once again bought a clitoral vibrator, with which I knew pleasure was inevitable.
Odločala sem se med dvema: Tedyjem, ki ima prikupno obliko debelega zajčka in Oronom, ki ima – kot rečeno – obliko srca. Odločila sem se za zadnjega. Nisem si mogla predstavljati, kaj bi z malim debeluharjem lahko počela in se nekoliko zbala, da bi lahko bil nakup zgrešen. Srček je bil varnejša izbira.
The delivery man brought me the toy in the blink of an eye, and I enthusiastically tore the cardboard till I finally got to the toy. I was worse than the kids who can't wait to get their presents every Christmas. Whenever I receive a package, I'm excited, as if I didn't know I chose it and bought it myself. I felt stupid and happy at the same time.
The vibrator is small and, at first glance, very likable, a real "cutie pie," as my mother would say. The package also includes a USB charging cable without a charger. You can use the one from your phone with a USB-A port. Unfortunately, despite the product's price, there is no storage bag in the package. I'm a little obsessed with this, but I have a serious logistics problem with all the toys. Since all the other storage bags were occupied, Oron found a place next to my pillow. So it was always available to me on too many hot summer nights.
The toy is made of silicone. I assume that it is medical, which is the most common in the manufacture of erotic toys. Still, I cannot say this with certainty because the packaging only states that Oron is made of silicone, without letting us know of what kind. Nevertheless, I trusted my decision and started the test without hesitation.
The very first attempt already made me happy and was followed by a "big bang." To evaluate it without losing my focus, I tested it several times - just like I test all products. Although small, it offers ten vibration programs. Typical of almost all erotic toys these days, you can choose from three vibration powers, but none of them stands out. Both can use all three - those with a more sensitive clit and those with a clitoris more similar to mine - it can handle a slightly more intense treatment. Oron also offers the usual vibration patterns. Their selection is more prominent, and it is easier to find the one that will suit you.
Although the heart's shape is rigid, you can use all sides of the toy and adjust it to your pleasure. For greater intensity, I used only the edge and strong vibrations. Unfortunately, you can't just put it on your clit, but you have to hold it in place all of the time. I tried it in multiple positions, and always the same problem. If I let Oron go, it started preparing the great escape. A similar thing happens underwater. Even before my bathroom renovation and changing my bathtub for a shower, I had to hold it firmly in place to feel the vibrations at all.
Nevertheless, the toy is fun, incredibly convenient, and at the same time, discreet. You can also keep it on the nightstand and take it with you on a trip without worries. Despite some imperfections, I am pleased with this heart, as it takes me to a tremendous clitoral orgasm.
Disputes Resolution: Izdelek sem kupila na slovenski spletni strani, prvič. Bila sem pozitivno presenečena nad ponudbo. Po preteklih izkušnjah sem pričakovala veliko zastarelih erotičnih pripomočkov in predvsem veliko realističnih imitacij moškega spolnega uda. Svet erotike, stran, na kateri sem kupila izdelek, me je navdušila. Ponudba je široka in zanimiva. Najbolj so me privlačili izdelki podjetja Good Vibes Only, za katerega še nikoli nisem slišala.
Izdelek sem kupila na: Sex shop –