Samo prijazen opomnik, da pregledate svoje prsi. 🙂 Naj vas boobtober spomni, kako, vi pa poskrbite, da boste joškice imeli pod nadzorom skozi celo leto. Navodila najdete v spodnjem članku: Hvala, ker pipaš! Ali tukaj:
The celebrations are ending, and Those Creamy Peaches is leaving for a short holiday. So tomorrow is the last day you can use a 15% discount on all products in the Sex Shop - Svet erotike.It's also the last day to enter the prize draw for a Pro-G Spot vibrator. Hurry up and win ...
Since I can't stop celebrating the purchase of my 100th vibrator, me and Sex shop - Svet erotike decided to give one away. So, to reach more orgasms this summer, I've chosen the one that marked the beginning of my life - the Satisfyer Pro G-Spot. Like the post "TCP feat. Erotic World Giveaway!" on Facebook, Instagram,
You have one more week to use the discount code and buy a new silicone company for the holidays. 🙂 Read the product reviews on the Those Creamy Peaches blog, choose your toy, and enter the code on the Sex Shop - World of Erotica website when you buy. Creamy15
Have you figured out in which store you can use the 15% discount? 🙂 Go to the website Sex shop -, and enter the code at checkout. The discount is valid until 1.7.2022, and you can also use it to buy already discounted products. Code: Creamy15
Yesterday was the International Day of Sex, so it's only fitting that I give you a 15% discount code (Creamy15) that you can use from now until the 1st of July 2022. Watch the video below to find out the name of an online store where you can use the discount. 🙂 Hint: you can find the shop's name in the last Satisfyer Supernova Old Rose review. P.s.: the discount ...
Yesterday you took a nap, cured the hangover, and returned from vacation. Today is a new day, the second day of the Masturbation Month! If you are not afraid that your hands will become hairier due to frequent masturbation or that you will lose your sight, I invite you to challenge yourself in May. Buy a new vibrator, try a new position, masturbate with your partner; ...
With the arrival of March, we celebrate Women’s Day. Besides flowers, it also brings discounts in erotic shops. Below you can read a list of stores that offer products at reduced prices. Svet erotike (discounts up to -50%; Satisfyer, Dream Toys, Romp and Vive vibrators have the most discount; some erection rings, penis extensions ...
Erotic toys are increasingly changing and adapting to world trends. Therefore, 2022 is also expected to bring quite a few novelties. Last year, the field of erotic gadgets was marked by good apps. Because of another COVID year and measures, people bought toys that allow remote control. The year 2022 is expected to bring people together, but not in ...
Monday afternoon, rain is knocking on the window; you’re done working for the day. Bed pleasures seem more appealing than ever, but there’s no toy that you wished to have for a long time in the closet. So you think where to get it and use it to satisfy Monday’s tingling. This is no longer a problem - ...